AYUDA HUMANITARIA EN GAZA: Acción contra el Hambre alerta de los riesgos de la suspensión de entrada de ayuda humanitaria en Gaza: ‘Precios desorbitados y falta de combustible la población
When the situation escalated in Lebanon, she and her extended family had to make a difficult decision. At the collective shelter, Action Against Hunger provided essential support.
Hayat, a mother from the Southern Suburbs of Beirut, never imagined she would have to flee her home, but when the conflict escalated, she had no choice.
SAM Photo Diagnosis App®, la aplicación móvil desarrollada por Acción contra el Hambre para detectar la desnutrición aguda severa en menores con una simple foto
Action Against Hunger was one of the only organisations able to reach people in northern Gaza after the ceasefire. At least 15 kilometres of roads in the northern governorates of Gaza need to be cleared of solid waste and rubble.