8,500 children die every day from malnutrition.
Make a donation to fight against hunger
You now get 80% tax deduction on donations up to €250, and 40% tax deduction thereafter. (And if you have been collaborating with us for more than 3 years, the tax deduction for this section rises to 45%).


Bank transfer
By bank transfer to any of the following accounts:
- Santander ES57 0049 0001 5928 1009 0000
- Caixa Bank ES86 2100 2999 9302 0003 0018
At Action Against Hunger, we are committed to maintaining constant communication with individuals and institutions that make specific contributions to specific projects. We will provide detailed information about the supported project or activity, as well as its results.
Your donations will go to projects dedicated to combating the causes and effects of hunger. They will help save the lives of undernourished children by ensuring that families have access to safe water, food, training and basic health care. Our efforts in Spain actively target the unemployment and socio-professional inclusion of people that face barriers when entering the job market.
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, we have mobilized in over 50 countries to contain, prevent and mitigate its consequences. We strive to ensure the flexibility of funds and the implementation of social protection measures to counteract the socio-economic impact on the most vulnerable. In Spain, we adapted our employment and entrepreneurship programmes from the first days of the state of alarm, reinforcing psychosocial attention and providing access to technological support to avoid job exclusion, as well as distributing financial aid cards to vulnerable families.
We appreciate your donations to our NGO, which have allowed us to bring aid to more than 17 million people.
The distribution of the funds we receive follows our axes of action: Food security and livelihoods (38% of the funds), water, hygiene and sanitation (30% of the funds), nutrition (17% of the funds), social inclusion (7% of the funds), and disaster risk reduction (4%).
Yes, all your donations to Action Against Hunger are tax-deductible. In addition, from now on, donations will deduct more. By making a donation, you can deduct 80% on the first €250, and above €250, you can deduct 35%.
If you collaborate with Action Against Hunger, maintaining or increasing your contribution for 3 years in a row, 35% becomes 40%. For donations in the name of a company, the tax deductible is 35%.
Transparency is one of our fundamental principles in Action Against Hunger. Not only do we publish our accounts, but we implement mechanisms to ensure transparency in the destination of funds. In 2019, we underwent 92 audits and requirements, carried out by companies such as Deloitte and Ernst & Young, both at headquarters and in the countries where we operate.
In addition to audits that review the accounts of funds, Action Against Hunger undergoes organizational audits at headquarters and project audits in the countries of intervention, both carried out by independent agencies. We are one of the few organizations that has a permanent internal auditor who reports directly to the Board of Trustees of the Foundation.
Out of every €10 we receive, €9 goes directly to beneficiaries in the field, and €1 goes to administration and logistics expenses.