Ibrahim, a 45-year-old farmer and livestock keeper, is a father of four living in a village in Aleppo Governorate. Like many others in his community, he has faced huge challenges due to the prolonged conflict in Syria.
Ukraine is experiencing one of the largest displaced people crises in the world, with 6.8 million people having fled the country and 3.6 million internally displaced since the conflict began on February 24, 2022.
Supporting the socio-economic inclusion and employment promotion of forcibly displaced citizens from Nagorno-Karabakh, as well as vulnerable groups in the community.
The Shuttle programme further plays an important role in the empowerment of different target groups, including people with disabilities. “The programme has made me more courageous. I am a woman with disabilities."
“The connection and solidarity with other women that existed in the group was very important for me. I feel like we might even start a small business together.”
SAM Photo Diagnosis App®, la aplicación móvil desarrollada por Acción contra el Hambre para detectar la desnutrición aguda severa en menores con una simple foto