In 2023, Action Against Hunger in Sudan prioritised the recovery of its operational capacity, as well as the collection and dissemination of key data and indicators to raise awareness of the situation so that additional funds can be raised in 2024 to improve its capacity. Since the outbreak of the...
- SecciónYour donation matters. Learn why it's effective and where the money you contribute goes; you decide how much. Thanks to you, we can end hunger.
- SecciónACTION AGAINST HUNGER, in accordance with current legislation on the Protection of Personal Data, informs the users of the web page.
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- SecciónWe are an international humanitarian organization whose vision is simple: a world without hunger. Find here all the information about our struggle!
- SecciónAt the heart of our nutrition work lies the early detection of malnutrition in children under five years old, enabling easier treatment.
- SecciónHunger does not discriminate and affects people of all ages living in vulnerable areas, where the lack of access to food, clean water, and basic services is a reality.