- NewsThe workshop was conducted within the framework of the project "Economic and Social Participation of Vulnerable Displaced and Local Population in t...
- NewsAction Against Hunger organised the training within the programme “Ensuring access to essential protection services for displaced people from Nagor...
- NewsCommunications Officer for the South Caucasus mission conducted a series of field visits in late May, to three Child Friendly Spaces, which are a p...
- NewsCommunications Officer conducts a field visit to a Child Friendly Space, within the ECHO Project in Armenia.
- NewsCommunications Officer for the Soutch Caucasus mission conducted a series of field visits in late May, to three Child Friendly Spaces, which are a ...
- NewsKeep up to date with the events that are happening across the South Caucasus mission in June 2022
- NewsAction Against Hunger supports the UNDP-funded Skills Agency in Georgia in the implementation of the project ""Adaptation of the Shuttle methodolog...
- NewsSupporting the Heads of Health Facility Leaders and Community Health Workers (CHWs) in the implementation and monitoring of the ICCM+ (Integrated C...
- NewsAction Against Hunger were pleased to host Austrian Development Agency Managing Director, Mr. Friedrich Stift, at the Local Action Group in Akhmeta...
- NewsThe Action Against Hunger team implementing the project "Ensuring Access to Essential Protection Services for Displaced People from Nagorno-Karabak...
- NewsUpdates of recent and upcoming project activities, across the South Caucasus mission.
- NewsLuke Hardy, Intern for the South Caucasus mission, visited the Local Action Group (LAG) in Zugdidi. He was able to speak to the Action Against Hung...