

- Our advertising actions show that poverty and malnutrition are not isolated or inevitable. It is therefore important to explain and denounce the multidimensional causes of poverty and to point out possible solutions in the different communication actions.
- Disseminate achievements and progress in order to be accountable and show results for human and sustainable development.
- Guarantee professionalism and rigour in all communications, where quality takes precedence over the immediate impact that often prevails. The information distributed must be properly verified; reliable sources of information and rigorous analysis of situations must be available.
- The images or messages we release must respect human dignity and try to generate empathy, avoiding at all times catastrophic, discriminatory, sexist, stereotypical or idyllic messages and images that violate human dignity.
- Apply a perspective consistent with our principles in the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of advertising actions.
- Our own Action Against Hunger Corporate Identity Guide .
- Code of Ethics of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC).
Because we belong to the Coordinating Board of Development Organisations:
- Practical guide for NGDO communication. Code of Conduct of the Coordinating Board of Development Organisations
Because we belong to the Spanish Fundraising Association (AEFr):
- Face to Face Observatory. The F2F/D2D observatory is an independent self-regulatory mechanism made up of NGOs belonging to AEFr (Spanish Fundraising Association) and recruitment agencies, which is responsible for strengthening the F2F channel by limiting incidents and improving quality. The observatory has its own Code of Conduct, which is mandatory for all its members.
- Code of Conduct for the development of Fundraising in Spain. The Code of Conduct for Fundraising in Spain includes a set of principles and values based on ethics, to guide the professional practice of fundraising regardless of the field of action for which funds are being raised.
- Good Practice Manual on Face 2 Face Recruitment. The AEFr's F2F Fundraising Good Practice Manual enables NGOs to communicate with existing and potential supporters in an effective and hassle-free manner.
- Telephone Fundraising Code. This Code of Good Practice for Telephone Fundraising refers to accessing the public by telephone to request their support for an NPO as part of a fundraising campaign.
- International Declaration of Ethical Principles in Fundraising. The Spanish Fundraising Association incorporates the International Declaration of Ethical Principles in Fundraising along with the rest of its codes of ethics in order to serve as a generic guide under which to develop our work as fundraisers.