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Integration of ‘Shuttle’ Methodology gains high praise at Graduation ceremony of Tourism Guide students at Vocational College, Modusi
Integration of ‘Shuttle’ Methodology gains high praise at Graduation ceremony of Tourism Guide students at Vocational College, Modusi

Integration of ‘Shuttle’ Methodology gains high praise at Graduation ceremony of Tourism Guide students at Vocational College, Modusi


On the 20th June, 2023, the LEPL Vocational College “Modusi”  in Rustavi held a graduation event for students of the Tourism Guide vocational course that, for the first time, also included the piloting of the “Soft Skills Development for Employment” component designed and supported by Action Against Hunger (AAH) using its ‘Shuttle’ methodology. The event began with a welcome address from Modusi’s Director, Nino Kavtaradze, followed by Sarah Zielonka, First Secretary, Head of Economic and Press Affairs, Embassy of Germany and AAH’s Regional Director, Marcella Maxfield, all of whom praised the college’s support of the pilot program and expressed their desire that the component will be further integrated by all VET colleges in Georgia.

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The students then spoke about the tourism course that they had studied that has built their theoretical and practical skills in working within sustainable tourism. This course placed a special focus on blending tourism with aspects of Georgian history and heritage. As a result, the students can guide tours through both the Georgian landscape, and also, through local culture. They also spoke about their learning experience through the “Soft Skills Development for Employment” component, where, with the support of a coach, they built their self-confidence and interpersonal skills, which will support them to better navigate future employment opportunities.
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Interestingly, this approach has also benefited those providing the soft skills course. Project coach, Rusudan Kurasbediani believes that her role has also helped her to develop her professional skills and teaching methods.
“It was for me a very interesting and important experience to be a Coach of the Shuttle program. This approach develops soft skills, and all students think that they developed very important skills and the results of the program already confirm its effectiveness. We have already many employed participants. Also, I developed my coaching skills and started to use this knowledge in different fields of my career and daily life. Many thanks to Action Against Hunger for this opportunity.”
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Finally, after all students had completed their educational presentations, it was time for them to receive their official certificates recognizing their efforts and providing a record of the skills learnt as they step out into the world of employment. 
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Reflecting on the day’s events, Modusi’s Director, Nino Kavtaradze, said,
“I am very happy that our college was selected for the pilot phase of the Shuttle program. At the beginning of our cooperation with Action Against Hunger I was not sure if this approach will work in our context. But very soon we saw the effectiveness of the Shuttle methodology and its impact to the students and all involved parties. After a very successful pilot we are planning to integrate the program component “Soft Skills Development for Employment” into different short-term courses. Later we will integrate it into long-term courses as well.” 
Action Against Hunger would like to thank all involved in this project for their efforts and to wish these new graduates the best of luck as they apply their new skills to their work.
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The integration of the ‘shuttle’ methodology into VET education is implemented within the framework of the project “Economic and Social Participation of Vulnerable Displaced and Local Population in the South Caucasus (EPIC)”, funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH in cooperation with the Ministry of Internally Displaced Persons from the Occupied Territories, Labour, Health, and Social Affairs of Georgia (MOH).


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