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What is happening in Action Against Hunger South Caucasus in April!
What is happening in Action Against Hunger South Caucasus in April!
Attendees of a capacity building session on one of the local farms, as part of the livelihoods project in Abkhazia.

What is happening in Action Against Hunger South Caucasus in April!


Zugdidi Local Action Group receives proposals to support Rural Development

As a part of the project ‘Improving local governance through inclusive development approaches’, funded through the Austrian Development Cooperation, Zugdidi Local Action Group (LAG) will be assessing applications submitted by the local community to improve socio-economic conditions in their locality. Almost 200 applications were received by the deadline on the 31st March 2022 and the LAG members will now have to decide which applications go through to the next phase.

Livelihood Project in Abkhazia to be extended.

The livelihoods support project in Abkhazia, funded by the UNHCR, has been extended for 2022. This will be the fourth extension, and the project aims to continue to support vulnerable households, engage in agricultural livelihoods, both through individual farming support and through Active Framer Groups. The project will also support a vocational education non-formal course for youth in carpentry and metalworking.

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Results of the past projects (from top to bottom): Beneficiaries of individual livelihood support, capacity building on local farms, youth carpentry workshop in action.

Explosive Ordnance Risk Education for children to commence in Armenia

As part of the project “Ensuring Access to Essential Protection Services for Displaced Persons from Nagorno-Karabakh in Armenia", funded by ECHO explosive ordnance risk education is to take place in schools. Action Against Hunger, with partners HALO Trust, Partnership & Teaching and Mission Armenia, will carry out these education courses between April and June 2022, mainly in border communities.

French Ambassador visits Hrazdan Multi-functional Centre in Hrazdan, Armenia

In early April, Action Against Hunger was pleased to be able to host the French Ambassador, H.E. Ms. Anne Louyot for a field visit to the Multi-functional Centre in Hrazdan, Kotayk province. This Multi-functional Centre is one of ten across Armenia that support children and caregivers in a safe environment. They provide services in child development, social work, psychological care, special services, and explosive ordnance risk education and awareness raising. This includes activities related to non-formal education, child protection; recreational, out of school activities; mental health and psychosocial support; legal assistance; positive parenting classes for caregivers; English language and computer classes; specialized services for children with special educational needs; and Explosive Ordnance Risk Education. The link to the full article can be found here.

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H.E. Ambassador Louyot, and Head of Action Against Hunger in Armenia Grigori Hovhannisyan, attending a cooking workshop offered in the Multi-functional Centre.

Action Against Hunger to sign Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the State Employment Service Agency (SESA) of Georgia

Under the project “Economic and social participation of vulnerable displaced and local populations in the South Caucasus”, Action Against Hunger, GIZ and SESA are to sign an MoU in April to demonstrate their commitment to adapting, transferring and piloting the “Shuttle” approach into SESA’s employment programming to increase the participation and socio-economic inclusion of vulnerable displaced persons and the local population, with a specific focus on women and youth.

Arrival of 5 new interns to the mission

Lastly, we have had the pleasure of introducing 5 new interns to our mission within the South Caucasus. This includes two interns from the European Union Aid Volunteers programme: Maria Prada from Spain and Emma Lipasti from Finland; Luke Hardy from England; Mie Bertelsen from Denmark; and Tamar Nadibaidze from Georgia. More information regarding these interns can be found on our Facebook site.

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Our new interns, from left to right: Maria, Tamar, Mie, Luke and Emma.

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