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During the Training of Trainers session. Source: Skills Agency Georgia.
During the Training of Trainers session. Source: Skills Agency Georgia.

Skills training for the Professional Skills Agency of Georgia

Action Against Hunger, South Caucasus, supports Skills Agency Georgia in the implementation of the Shuttle methodology.

With funding from the United Nations Development Program and support of Action Against Hunger, the Professional Skills Agency of Georgia, is implementing the project "Adaptation of the Shuttle methodology in Entrepreneurship Education". Through the project, a training of trainers (ToT) was conducted, in which vocational education entrepreneurship teachers from all over Georgia participated. The training was also attended by the General Director of the Professional Skills Agency, Tamar Kitiashvili and other senior representatives of the Agency.

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Training of Trainers. Source: Skills Agency Georgia.

During the training, participants were introduced to the “Shuttle” methodology and discussed practical ways in which to use and adapt it. They also received information about practical activities that can be employed within the entrepreneurship training process. The “Shuttle” methodology is a proven approach in Georgia for the rapid development of entrepreneurial soft skills, which is one of the priorities of the Professional Skills Agency. Within the framework of the project, it is planned to develop professional teacher and student guides, as well as to train professional entrepreneurship teachers to effectively use of the methodology in future course.

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Action Agianst Hunger Social Inclusion Manager, Lela Maisuradze. Source: Skills Agency Georgia

The “Shuttle” methodology was developed by Action Against Hunger in Spain in 2013 and its introduction in Georgia started in 2015. The goal of the methodology is to increase participants’ access to employment or self-employment opportunities through the development of personal, social, entrepreneurial and professional skills by coaches.

The priority of the Professional Skills Agency of Georgia is to adapt the principles and soft skills development strategy of the Shuttle methodology into the vocational education system. At the initiative of the agency, a second stage of training of trainers is planned in the near future. Through the training, it will be possible for teachers to apply Shuttle methodology approaches and activities at any stage of the Entrepreneurship Module training.

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