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ADA Managing Director, Friedrich Stift, Meets with Akhmeta LAG
ADA Managing Director, Friedrich Stift, Meets with Akhmeta LAG
ADA Managing Director, Friedrich Stift, with Action Aginst Hunger Technical Coordinator Richard Maxfield (Left) and Programme Manager Giorgi Santuryan (Right) and the Akhmeta Local Action Group.

ADA Managing Director, Friedrich Stift, Meets with Akhmeta LAG

Akhmeta, Georgia. May 2022

On Thursday 19th May, the Managing Director of the Austrian Development Agency (ADA), Mr Fridrich Stift visited Akhmeta in Kakheti to meet with the Local Action Group (LAG) there that is being supported by ADA under the project “Improving local governance through inclusive development approaches” implemented by Action Against Hunger. Mr. Stift meet with the LAG Executive Board to discuss the progress the LAG has made to date and to hear about the support that is being provided to the LAG through the project.


Mr Stift meeitng with the Akhmeta LAG Executive Board.

LAG members described the development processes that they were using and the explained that the current focus of their work was to support greater engagement of the women and youth in local development activities and to help establish more initiatives to support environmental protection. Mr. Stift was particular interested in the relationship and cooperation between the LAG and the local authorities. Under the ENPARD project, Akhmeta LAG has implemented 6 joint community infrastructure projects with the local authority that has provided co-finance.


Above: Mr Stift with Action Against Hunger Technical Coordinator Richard MAxfield, and Programme Manager Giorgi Santuryan. Below: Mr Stift with LAG members.


Following the meeting with the LAG, Mt Stift met with potential future beneficiaries who were participating in a training on how to complete the full application form for submission for the sub-grant programme. These applicants had all submitted project ideas for environmental protection and climate action initiatives that had been accepted at the preliminary phase, each applicant explained a little of their project idea to Mr. Stift.


Mr Stift meeting with potential beneficiaries, under the sub-grant component of the project.

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